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Where And How To Get Support

Telephone Support

    As a courtesy to our members, Sonic supplies Startup Kits that include the basic Macintosh or Windows Internet shareware and/or freeware needed to gain access to the Internet. Telephone support is only for our Startup Kit software or connection issues.

Telephone Tech Support (707) 547-3400 9am to 9pm, Seven days a week excluding major holidays. Click here to find Tech Support numbers outside of the Santa Rosa area!

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Lists

    We have several Frequently Asked Question or FAQ lists available online for your perusal, fully searchable and sorted by subject. The FAQs contain information and links to other sources of information that might otherwise take much more time to find.

[ Go to Frequently Asked Questions ]

Sonic Members-Only Newsgroups

    These newsgroups offer forums for our users to ask questions and help each other with common problems. These groups are also frequented by our staff and are a quick way to find a wealth of information.

[ Go to List of Sonic Newsgroups ]

Email Support

    For issues directly relating to your account you can send Email to our staff. Staff read this Email during work hours, so if you have a question on the weekend, you should post to the newsgroup unless it can wait. Sample issues you could mail support for include: billing, server issues, aliases and other system information that needs to be handled by an administrator.

Please be sure to check the FAQs and Newsgroups for answers before sending Email to support. Depending on the nature of your question, it may take some time for your support Email to be answered, but you get a ticket number to help you and us keep track of your request.

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