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Bandwidth usage at standard bandwidth quota is one gigabyte per month per account or hosting service. Each hosting service on an account increases this quota by one gigabyte. Multihoming service provides a twenty gigabyte quota increase. Usage during the month that is trending above the quota (that is, is projected to exceed the quota by the end of the month based upon the current portion of the month which has passed) will generate a warning email, and additional usage beyond the quota will be billed at $4.95 per gigabyte in 100mB increments. The bandwidth quota includes bandwidth used for content you host here at, including web, ftp and multimedia. It does not apply to content you download to your PC.

This bandwidth quota is applied across all of your sites as a group, so you receive significant benefit if you have multiple sites hosted on your account. For example, if you hosted two multihomed sites here, your bandwidth quota would be forty-one gigabytes per month. It is not required that bandwidth be used equally by your sites; this means that if you have one site that's more popular or larger, it receives the benefit of the leftover quota for the smaller or less popular sites.

To view your current bandwidth and disk quota usage please see Hedgehog in the membertools. We also support some forms of bandwidth quota protection. See Hedgehog for more information.

Disk usage at standard disk quota is 80 megabytes average monthly usage per account or hosting service. Each service on an account which comes with a disk quota will increase the quota by an aditional 80 megabytes. Usage during the month that is trending above the quota (that is, is projected to exceed the quota by the end of the month based upon the current portion of the month which has passed) will generate a warning email, and additional usage beyond the quota will be billed at $10 per 80 megabytes in 8mB increments. The disk quota includes disk space used for content you host here at, including web, ftp, unix home directory, email and mailboxes, streaming multimedia servers, MySQL and SSL.

This disk quota is applied across all of your sites as a group, so you receive significant benefit if you have multiple sites or services hosted on your account. For example, if you hosted two multihomed sites here, your disk quota would be 240 per month. It is not required that disk space be used equally by your sites; this means that if you have one site that's more popular or larger, it receives the benefit of the leftover quota for the smaller or less popular sites.

To view your current bandwidth and disk quota usage please see Hedgehog in the membertools.

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