Static IP Addresses
Number of IPs | Monthly | Setup |
1 | $5.00 | $50.00 |
8 | $15.00 | $50.00 |
16 | $30.00 | $50.00 |
32 | $60.00 | $50.00 |
64 | $120.00 | $50.00 |
An IP address is a unique number (like a postal address) which identifies your computer on the Internet. Each time you connect to, you receive an IP address for your computer which will identify you on the Internet for the duration of you connection. Static IP's guarantee that you get the same IP address each time you connect.
Without the addition of Static IP Addressing you will receive a dynamically assigned IP address from our dialup servers, which makes your connection a "moving target" when you disconnect and reconnect to the Internet.
Many customers can benefit from the availability of one or more static IP addresses. VPN (Virtual Private Network) tunneling for telecommuting is an excellent example of technology that works smoothly with static IP addresses (and some companies require it). offers static IP addresses as an add-on to existing services such as the Standard PPP account, Business Account, and ISDN Dual Channel account.
Please note that all blocks larger than 16 IP addresses will be routed, not bridged, and that an ARIN justification proposal must be submitted before these large blocks can be assigned.