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Multihome Service


Add Multihoming to a Domain

Also known as a "virtual server", this feature allows you to host your website at the top level of your domain name, for example "" or even simply "". This top level hosting makes it appear that you've got your own dedicated server hardware hosting your site and makes it much easier for visitors to remember your website address.

Multihome setup takes just a few minutes to complete using our online tools. Once you've set it up, you can promote your top level web address immediately.

In addition to an easy to remember address, you'll also get increased disk and bandwidth quotas with this service. For each multihomed site, you get an additional 80 megabytes of disk space and an additional 20 gigabyte per month of outgoing bandwidth. This doubles the quotas of a basic dialup account bringing your quotas up to 160 megabytes of space and 21 gigabytes of bandwidth.

We're also now offering free banner advertising on our homepage for hosted multihome sites. For details, see the banners page.

Normally a company that purchases a domain name gets an address of the

This final /~company is the subdirectory where the data is stored. This can lead to confusion in the end-users who attempt to connect to the site as, which will return's page. It also makes it clear that your company's pages are hosted on someone else's server.

Multihoming allows a website that is listed under a domain name to have it's own top level URL - a virtual dedicated server.

Multihoming allows the use of the address format: Or even more simply:

This means it's much simpler for users to remember the location of your site on the net, and will mean more referrals and repeat visits. It also looks better on your literature, as it appears that you have your own dedicated server hardware.

When adding multihoming to an existing site, both the old format URL and new format URL can be used to reference the location. You do not need to change all references and reprint literature.

There is a one-time $19.00 setup fee for adding Multihoming service to a domain

You can register your own domain name with the Domain Management Tool. Add Multihoming service with the Multihoming Management Tool.
Email or post to if you have questions.

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